About NFLP-Y
National Institute of Banking & Finance (NIBAF) launched the National Financial Literacy Program for Youth (NFLP-Y). The basic aim of the program is to impart essential financial education to Pakistani youth and school going children for a strengthening of their money management skills and understanding of financial matters. NFLP-Y is expected to serve as a medium to connect youth with financial institutions that offer banking products and services. The program will mainly target three age groups (School going Children-age 9-12 years; Adolescent – age 13-17 years; Youth – age 18-29 years) across 45 selected districts of Pakistan including GB & AJK. NIBAF aims at reaching out to 1.6 million children, adolescents, and youth through classroom training and digital learning platforms during the next five years i.e. 2018 – 2023.
Money Management
Strengthen and improve money management knowledge, skills, and behaviors among youth.
Inspire the Youth
Inspire the youth to set financial goals through saving, budgeting and planning for their future.
Educate the Youth
Educate the youth about their rights and responsibilities as consumers of financial services and products.
Focus on Women
National Financial Literacy Program for Youth team ensures women’s exposure to financial institutes, female leaders and professionals through special events. Women are also given the opportunity to become trainers for the program. Our Aim is to help them fulfill their aspirations through financial education.

Focus on Youth
The youth are the immediate future of this country as upcoming financial consumers and providers. NFLP-Y has especially devised courses and events so that they can build a comprehensive repertoire of financial knowledge, positively impacting their financial resource management from an early age.

Project Management Unit
The Project Management Unit (PMU) for NFLP-Y is housed at NIBAF, Islamabad. The PMU conceptualized, pilot, and implemented the program in 45 districts. Its core function is to ensure smooth, effective, and efficient implementation of NFLP-Y. The PMU is managed by a group of a highly competent and professional team. PMU is comprised of three segments:
Knowledge Management, Innovations and Partnership Division
Outreach, Implementation and Monitoring Division
Social Media, Communication and Technology Division